Our projects
At Yandex, we are dedicated to developing technological solutions for a diverse array of applications, ranging in size and complexity. As part of our commitment to giving back to the community, we make a number of projects available to the public. Here are a few of the projects we are actively working on at the moment.

Fault-tolerant distributed SQL database. Allows you to process millions of requests per second and build services that can withstand high operational loads. Open source since 2022.

A scalable and fault-tolerant platform for distributed storage and processing of big data. Allows you to use the GPU for all types of data processing, including machine learning. Open source since 2023.

A framework for faster and more efficient large language model (LLM) training. Up to 25 percent increse in training speed and 20 percent savings in GPU resources. Open source since 2024.

A tool for continuous real-time monitoring and analysis of servers and applications. Helps reduce infrastructure costs by up to 20 percent. Open source since 2025.

Gravity UI
A set of libraries and components for building modern interfaces for services, landing pages, dashboards, and visualizations. Open source since 2023.

Server-driven UI framework. Allows you to create interfaces for all platforms in one place and change them without having to update applications. Open source since 2022.

Platform for writing technical documentation in the Docs as Code concept. Uses the widely accepted Markdown syntax. Open source since 2023.

Asynchronous framework for developing high-performance applications. Allows you to quickly build efficient C++ microservices. Open source since 2022.

BI platform for data visualization and analytics. Open source since 2023.

A framework for testing web apps at any scale, in any browser and on any platform. Open source since 2016.

Library for gradient boosting on decision trees. Suitable for ranking, classification, regression, and other machine learning tasks. Open source since 2017.